Nurturing a passion for individuality |
Synchro32 was built to accommodate the individual. Not for mass market and profit.
Shoehorning was out of the question!
The design of Synchro was primarily the accumulated experience of four previous systems all of which were developed for the cast metal industry. Chris Collins our MD decided twelve years ago, that the industry was deserving of three primary requirements:-
1 – Extensive design flexibility with continual improvements (upgrade)
2 – Cost to be affordable so as not to be a barrier to purchase
3 – Technical support was to be of the highest priority for every user – nurturing, to be an essential aspect of support.
The design of Synchro32 was built with maximum flexibility; at the forefront was our understanding that the metal casting manufacturer is unique, and each has an individual way of working.
All production ERP software even in this day age is built to a fairly rigid structure. The ‘new’ customer has to conform and adapt to a strict working regime, dictated by the software design and its developer. Standard systems are designed for the requirements of general manufacturing – aimed at an extensive market place. Adaption to a particular industry may appear to accommodate specific market sectors but on detailed inspection they are a poor match for the casters requirements.
We intended to remain specific to the casting sector; the software had to be designed with the previous systems knowledge but with a greater degree of flexibility, which in our view would allow for integration of the distinctive nature and unique working methods and qualities of the individual customer. Our intention was maintain where possible the key aspects which marked out the individuality and character of working practice.
Why would you want to resemble every other company?
I realize this is a little simplistic; as there are many areas to develop within an organisation which allow for differentiation; but in our long experience we have learned that to ignore the fundamental uniqueness is to do terrible disservice to a pool of knowledge and experience earned over decades. Again, why would we as a system designer want to ignore technique, skill, proficiency, imagination and talent? We have a PASSION for INDIVIDUALITY and have accomplished in Synchro32 our objective.
The cost of the system is not a barrier...it was imperative that the smaller casting manufacturers had access to a specific system which would fulfil all requirement and enable growth into areas which historically would only have been possible with massive investment. There is no upfront outlay, a per user basis includes all modules and support...we do however recognise that not all companies use all modules but for the customer it keeps pricing simple and clear. We wanted no ambiguity...users can compare cost with other users. A customer would never have to question our integrity...price does not alter depending on who the customer is; this is quite common practice in the software systems market, unfortunately.
Support...how notoriously poor is this as a global experience?
Why? In our view there is absolutely no need for it in any business. The customer is the reason you are in business! But that simple fact does not appear to mean much to countless support services.
At Synchro32 we have an exceptional reputation for the speed and quality of support we provide. Our business model is built around this provision of service. We monitor every element of this in order to keep the needs of the customer at the forefront of our business. We ask; can we do this any better...what we can do to improve this for our users.
As for growth and profit...as a by product of our continual intention to improve for the sake of your customer the rest of the benefits fall into place. As a company we continue to grow and expand, the team that we have behind us is quite exceptional. For each of us...it is more of a crusade; the casting industry needs us and we have a responsibility to provide our piece of the pie from the very best baker in the land!
Die Casting Times
April/May 2009
Team Spirit |
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November 2008 |
Generic ERP verses Cast Metal Specific ERP |
Foundry Tade Journal |
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November 2008 |
How personal is your foundry software? |
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September 2008 |
A question of "Home grown or not?" |
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July/August 2008 |
Product Innovations |
Modern Casting |
December 2007 |
So much information, so little time... |
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July/August 2007 |
Achieving the benefits of integrated foundry software - Part One |
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April/May 2007 |
Achieving the benefits of integrated foundry software - Part Two |
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April/May 2007 |