AFS Texas Board Meeting October 2013
The AFS Texas Chapter made the journey to the Choctaw Indian Resort and Casino located in Durant Oklahoma. Shane Allen, head of North American Operations for Synchro ERP and a board member of the AFS Texas Chapter, made the trip across the Red River. There was a strong presence of Oklahoma foundries at the meeting, primarily the good foundrymen and women from East Jordan Iron Works located in Ardmore Oklahoma. The Red River is the "official" state boundary between Texas and Oklahoma.
A fine time was had by all in attendance and Shane and Eric Meyers of Oil City Iron Works, posted pictures to Facebook "live" during the meeting. The accommodations and food and beverage were outstanding, and I understand that a few folks came away from the casino as winner! Of course, everyone came away as a winner that attended the AFS meeting.
Jerry Nagel, Chairman of the AFS Texas Chapter, had a board meeting prior to the general meeting. Discussion and action on educational college-university scholarships was discussed in depth and a special scholarship will be announced shortly. Of particular interest and concern regarding the new OSHA proposed rules on resperable particulates which will have a huge impact on the metalcasting industry.
The evening program presentation regarding the FEF, Foundry Education Foundation, was presented by Bill Sorensen and a check was presented to the FEF by the Texas Chapter.
Stan Forehand, Technical Service Manager for HA International, gave an information talk regarding the basics of using No-Bake and Cold Box Processes.
The highlight of the evening was the "money pit" in which the "winner" is placed in a clear box with money and the air is turned on creating a whirlwind of money. Bill Sorensen came away with the "big money" for the FEF. Dan Smith, Southwest Steel Casting Company, and Synchro ERP's own Shane Allen were the next participants and elected to donate their winnings to the FEF.